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Safeguard your Data

The main target for most cyber criminals will be the data held on your servers. The aim being to copy the data to steal it and to then encrypt it all so you cant access it. Backups enable you to recover from the encryption aspect but there is still that data they have copied which could be sold on to the highest bidder. This is why prevention is better than the cure.   

The purpose of a multi-layered security approach is to ensure that each individual component of your cybersecurity plan has a backup to counter any flaws or gaps. So having firewalls, endpoint Security, and staff training is just several elements to this approach. The most important aspect though, is to protect your data. 

ADNS Education is able to do this using software from the world leaders that acts as a watchdog for malicious activity on your network and once spotted, it removes your data servers from the network until the threat is dealt with.

Don't react to cyber attacks, prevent them with ADNS Education.

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